Thursday, April 16, 2009

Doris Joa

My Space


Doris Joa said...

Thank you CJ for including my artwork in your blog. It is really a great honor.
My kids always have had great fun when I got a package. I was happy about the content and they were happy about the empty cartonage and have had so much fun playing with it.
One day I got another package and my daughter wanted to play with the cartonage. It was the moment where I decided to make a painting of this scene. She did have so much fun and our cat also was so curious and wanted to come in. My daughter played so long until she was tired and wanted to do a nap in her new house.
When our kids are growing we often forget such things and I hope that my painting brings back memories to other parents about the wonderful time of childhood.

José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...

Hi CJ, Doris and Readers,

I know Doris works and she's really good with watercolour.
This one, besides presenting a great subject, shows a wonderful interpretation of light.

Kind regards,


Anonymous said...

This beautiful painting has great meaning. It also reminds me very much of my own childhood with my brother where we were always playing with cardboard boxes in our imagery world at our parent's grocery store.